Friday, January 6, 2012

Why Corporal Jesse Thorsen was Justified

The Constitution places War Powers with the Congress. The wars we are fighting now were began under Executive Order to alleviate responsibility from our Congressmen. "Well, we're here now. We must fund it and finish the job."

Jesse Thorsen endorses an American Foreign Policy which is outlined by the Constitution. That Foreign Policy has been "modified" over the years to preserve the senior ranks of Congress, preserve their electability.

A soldier's duty to defend the Constitution trumps ANY UCMJ regulation. The Constitution preceded any such regulation or law and is the Supreme Law of the land. This is America. Time to follow the Constitution.

Only Congress should have the power to declare war. If our Congressmen and women can be called on short notice to vote on TARP bailouts and the Non-Patriot Act, then the Congress can be called on short notice to vote to declare a war.

Why is it OK for ONE man to get annoyed enough to declare a war on another sovereign nation on BEHALF OF US ALL? Look what Bush got us into...

It is much easier to hold our Congressmen accountable than it is our President.

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