Thursday, June 6, 2013

Has the United States Reached a Turning Point?

Depends Adult Under Garments are full on Capitol Hill today as the droves of government violations of the 4th Amendment are "piling up."  With a cozy 98.6oF hiny, wannabe gun grabber Senator Diane Feinstein from California said, "It’s called protecting America,” in response to the National Security Agency's (NSA) unwarranted surveillance of over 100 million American's phone records.  Apparently, this is business as usual according to the elderly kowtower of the State:
“As far as I know, this is the exact three-month renewal of what has been in place for the past seven years.”
This statement is a direct contradiction of the testimony by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper earlier this year.  From this article posted at
United States. Senator Ron Wyden asked: "Does the NSA collect any kind of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans? Clapper answered: "No, sir." Wyden: "It does not?" Clapper: "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently, perhaps..."
If what Feinstein said was true - that this policy "has been in place for the past seven years" - Clapper was lying, blatantly.  By the way, the Obama Administration is defending this dastardly destruction of privacy.  But surely, spying on hundreds of millions of American's phone records is an isolated incident (he types sarcastically).  Heavens NO!  This is just the tip of the iceberg!

Apparently, broad spectrum surveillance of American's internet activities are necessary for the US Police State's operation as well.  According to this piece at the Washington Post, a program dubbed PRISM is the NSA's favorite 4th Amendment sodomization tool:
“NSA reporting increasingly relies on PRISM” as its leading source of raw material, accounting for nearly 1 in 7 intelligence reports.
The technology companies, which knowingly participate in PRISM operations, include most of the dominant global players of Silicon Valley, according to the document. They are listed on a roster that bears their logos in order of entry into the program: “Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.”
Between Big Pharma and Big Brother, it appears America has arrived at a perverted melding of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984, where the people are watched and kept doped up to maintain state dominance.

You ask, how could this hell you describe be a turning point?  Well surprisingly, the all too often government teat sucking media has began to speak up (possibly because the state has began to come after them as well in the true style of Abraham Lincoln).  Take for instance the article put out by the New York Times Editorial board which states:
The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue [of spying on the American people]. Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive branch will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it.
This is a left-wing example, but the criticism is also coming from right-wing sources (which typically favor police state tactics) such as Fox News.  Take for instance this coverage:

Alas, the rhetoric is coming from both sides of the political isle.  Of course, this only compounds the IRS scandal that is looming over the head of the Obama Administration where his political opponents were targeted.

Is an impeachment coming?  Will the turnover reach record highs come the 2014 election season?  Are the proverbial heads about to roll?

One thing is for sure, diapers are full in Washington, DC, and hopefully, American tyranny has reached a turning point.


  1. Even if the scandals escalate and Obomba gets impeached, what's the best we can hope for, President Biden? Obviously nothing will change.

  2. Unless the whole cabinet is removed, and potentially the Speaker of the House and President Pro Temp of the Senate as well, we are likely faced with the prospect of no real change. Maybe next election we need to check the candidates out more thoroughly. (As if the media will permit us to have a non-CFR member in either party as a nominee.)

  3. likely a distraction for some far more nefarious activitity to be taken. For instance since the UsA is following the model of the USSR, this would be a good technique for flushing out the vocal minority, those who would take action for liberty. They have the surviellance mechanism to track all responses to a disclosure such as this. They control the assets which "leaked' the information to the media, they gin up enough dissent, to find out who would stand up against them, and they take them out.

    Obama is a stooge who has about as much power as Joe biden, this is coming from whoever really pulls the strings in D.C. - stay out of big cities for awhile there's a whole flock of shit birds coming our way, and that means a shit storm is approaching.

    The media is literally owned by the intelligence arm of the federal government, why do they want us to know this at this time? That should always be the first question when you hear the news, and especially now and with this (old) news being catapaulted into the limelight - why this, and why now? Who gains and how from this "leak"?
