Thursday, June 13, 2013

Where's the check?

The executive branch of the central government secretly interprets laws, has a secret court to charade as judicial review, and supports officials who lie under oath to the Congress.  The united States is no longer a constitutionally limited republic with checks and balances but rather a stealth totalitarian regime with a rotating figurehead.  Judicial review is null, and the Congress has no oversight.  Plainly, the balances are heavily weighted in favor of the executors.  Where's the check?

The court of public opinion has also been rendered useless to a large extent.  The central government has shown that it's willing to intimidate reporters that deviate from state approved story-lines.  Peter King, a sitting Congressman, has even outright lied in efforts to promote the prosecution Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian author who broke the NSA data collection story which revealed that the NSA has been collecting records on hundreds of millions of Americans.  Further, with respect to the NSA story, the mainstream media keeps regurgitating an outdated Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll (which began before public release of the pertinent news) that reflects the opinion they wish to project on society, namely that Americans "don't care about their privacy," while more recent polls (here and here) demonstrate that Americans do care.  

(By the way, do you think it's merely a coincidence that the Washington Post was involved in the poll that began before the release of the news seeing as how WaPo had foreknowledge that this information had been leaked?)

With the emergence of the information age, the court of public opinion should be a more powerful check, but in reality, much like Hitler used the radio to his advantage, the powers that dictate in the united States have hijacked the media to convey only their propaganda.  Got freedom?

Alas, the united States central government has run amok, but there are steps that can be made in order to attempt to steer it back in the right direction.  The only way to properly deal with tyrants is to refuse them service.  Fear is the only thing that maintains the power of a tyrant.  Etienne de La Boétie, a 16th century Frenchman said it well in his work Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude:
The fundamental political question is why do people obey a government.  The answer is that they tend to enslave themselves, to let themselves be governed by tyrants.  Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve.  Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support.
Quite frankly, we need more Edward Snowdens to come forward.  Are you a mainstream media reporter who has been led around with a leash by your well connected handlers?  Is your salary worth sacrificing the freedom of everyone else?  Would you have been on the side of Hitler knowing what you know now?  Or, would you have stood up?  Well, here's your chance, and remember, life provides very few of these opportunities.

In order to save America from the Germans' fate, this nation needs to bring everything out in the open.  America needs stories about how the news is made and controlled by government interests.  America needs stories about how domestic spying has expanded, and how the Fourth Amendment is not respected.  America needs stories from congressmen that are willing to break their silence on classified issues (even if done anonymously).  America needs stories about the true power structure that exists.  America needs stories on how the election process is a joke, and how the People really have no voice.  America needs to hear the truth.  Are you up to it?

The founders intended this nation to be a constitutionally limited republic whereby certain rights were to be held inalienable and beyond sacrifice by majority dictate.  Nowadays, it seems the Constitution is a relic while the u.S. is masqueraded as a pure democracy whereby a majority can sacrifice the rights of a minority without question while, in reality, there is neither limit by a constitution nor an existing democracy but only an oligarchical dictatorship.  When everything is done in secret, no rule of law exists.

Where's the check?

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