Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why Ron Paul?

Ron Paul is a constitutionalist that believes the federal government's primary responsibility is to protect the civil liberties of its citizens.  In addition, he believes the federal government should protect our national borders and provide a strong, domestic national defense.

He, like many of us, is tired of the never-ending wars.  He wants to return the power to declare war solely to Congress, where it was originally. Currently, it is now acceptable for the US President to go to war for 90 days without Congressional approval.  This has placed too much power in the hands of one man.

He believes that our interference in other nations' affairs has caused resentment over the years and has, in the end, caused more problems than it has solved.  Take for instance Iran.

We were friends with Iran pre-WWII.  They were largely a country becoming "westernized."  Then in 1953, the CIA overthrew the Iranian Prime Minister.  Many Iranians have not forgotten this.  Then, we sponsored a Saddam led Iraq in a war against Iran.

What would your opinion of the matter be if the shoe were on the other foot?  What if Iran had done those things to us?

"Paul serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (having been on the Western Hemisphere and the Asia and Pacific subcommittees); the Joint Economic Committee; and the Committee on Financial Services (as Ranking Member of the Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology subcommittee, and Vice-Chair of the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee)." ~Wikipedia: Ron Paul

He has been an advocate and voice for responsible fiscal policy since the 1970's.  He warned of the housing bubble LONG before anyone else even knew there was one.  There is little argument, Ron Paul is the best on economic policy among all the candidates.

He has real plans to get America back on track.  Please don't stop reading here...

Please go to youtube and watch some Ron Paul videos and hear what he has to say. 

I promise it will be time well spent and will benefit us all.

Ron Paul 2012!

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